Berry Acai Bowl


Berry AcaiBowl


Makes 2Acai Bowls

-         1banana (frozen)

-         ½cup of blueberries (frozen)

-         ½cup of strawberries (frozen

-         ½Avocado

-         ¼cup coconut yoghurt (plain)

-         ¾cup milk of your choice (I use almond or coconut)

-         Scoopof protein or Collagen

-         Toppings– nuts, seeds, fresh fruit, coconut shaving, cacoa nibs etc.



1.      Your fruits you add in should befrozen, its easy to buy frozen fruits but I keep old bananas, peel and freezethem if possible

2.      Put every thing (except fortoppings) in a blender or Nutri bullet, don’t add all the liquid in but slowlyand see to what consistency will create your bowl. Ideally this is thicker thena smoothie and frozen.

3.      Add into bowls (2) and put on allyour favourite toppings


March 28, 2024

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